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sales training process

Sales Training Insight: Don’t be afraid to lose a deal you don’t have

I have seen many salespeople skip or modify their sales process at the first sign of resistance from a prospective client. During my sales training sessions they say things like “I don’t want to seem salesy or pushy.”

They’re afraid to lose the deal.

The irony is we skip vital steps that help us serve the customer and sell the right solution, in fear of losing a deal which is statistically unlikely to happen if we abandon our process.

Here’s a “Short” Sales Training clip by Shane Gibson on sales process:

Often the resistance has happened because we have failed to communicate the value of the next step to the prospect. Or worse, we don’t believe in or understand the value of the proces

Sales process aren’t actually designed to close people who aren’t ready to buy or are unqualified. In fact a good sales process will help prospects that are a poor fit to self-eject from our sales funnel early.

Sales Training Insight: You can’t control your prospect BUT you can control the quality of the process you lead them through.

– Shane Gibson